This is going to be a really long post. Feel free to skip the words and browse the pictures or maybe just read half and come back and read the rest another day)
April was a plant filled month. I was off work for a week for my birthday and what better excuse to buy all the plants you desire?
So this random update will include tons of PLANTS. Along with some yard updates.
This has nothing to do with plants--but my Littler and I shared this flaming volcano of booze at my birthday dinner at Tokyo Japanese Steakhouse. Fantastic food, drinks & friends all for me!
Travis and I also went to Bellevue Botanical Gardens and maybe that is why it was a plant craze of a month?
That will have to be a post of its own. Lots of wonderful plants.
My crazy gardener delivered these during my vacation.
Snap peas, kale, collard, chard, broccoli, cabbage, lettuces oh my!
This was a gift from the lovely Emily.
I'm not usually one for names, but I had to know and with my trusty google skills (purple succulents) I got this:
Echeveria '
Perle von Nurnberg'.
This little succulent tree I fell in love with at Molbaks and went back and bought it days later. I looked up the name for this one too, but have forgotten it
Here are some African daisies from Jen. Not a very good picture, but love them anyway!
And a Early Sensation Clematis from Sabina. Actually it was a gift card so I got to pick it out. This one is in the pruning group that makes me happy. AND! I know what type it is! My rescue Clematis of Unknown names/pruning groups have just about outlived there welcome. So many little white flowers on these at once, they have outbloomed the refugees total blooms in 5 years!
Here is my new Fuchsia 'Gartenmeister Bonstedt....TAKE 3. Will I never learn?
I suppose I should treat it as an annual and just plan on buying one each year. The hummingbirds love it.
(This too is from Jen, but since I will end up killing it, I didn't want to say)
Perfect timing for you to take a break
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Oh and here is what I did with all those veggies! Plenty(I just typo'd planty, which still works) of space left for tomatoes squash and peppers! Oh and flowers!
Twine has so many uses! Plotting the garden was super easy. |
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Creating work where there was none before? Yes, that is us!
What should have been a 2 hour project took 3 weeks. These brackets were out of stock and the other brand had the wrong measurements... but eventually I got smart and went to a different Home Depot and scored.
This whole project was Travis' idea. He even picked the color to paint them to blend in--and they sure do!
This year we will have straight twine for the peas. Forever more!
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In the fall I planted 12 horse chestnuts I found around town, so Chester could have a mate (needed for pollination some day) and I thought it was a bust, nothing came up. As I was dumping the pots to throw them out, I found 3 that HAD germinated, and 1 was actually out of the soil. So I kept it, and was surprised to see it was standing up the next day! Ya for baby trees! This guy is 2 inches tall.
For comparison, this is Chester today. He is around 7ft now, but began life in a Starbucks cup in 2005ish. The baby is at his base for comparison. Last year he was only as tall as the bamboo polls next to him.
Also see the really straight twine in the background? Now you get it. |
Here is the garden this morning. Noticeable growth in just 2 weeks.
See the pretty twine? Most of the peas seedlings planted are almost up to the first row. And the peas planted as seeds(pea seeds are just that.. peas) have popped out of the soil! Grow baby grow!
We have peas against the fence, then the entine 3 rows on the left are kale, collard and chard. Yes, we really really like our greens!
Empty space at the top is for the hot weather stuff. In the center is Broccoli and now carrots are planted.
And bottom right is spinach and 6 kinds of lettuce.
My paths are quite wide but that just means I can tuck in random plants I come across :)
Lets not talk about those puddles, shall we? |
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I adore these tulips. There insides glow like sunshine! They open as soon as you aren't looking....
And close again with out notice! The name escapes me and I don't feel like looking it up atm. I am pretty sure we will have more pictures of these.. Ok ok. Clusiana something or other is the type.
We all know daffodils can do no wrong right?
(I have spared you at least 100 photos of these)
Found a great deal on the ground cover we needed! Little star creeper. I have already bought and spread last year but since the snails ate it all in February, I couldn't fathom paying $3.99 on each little pot. Fred Meyers had 2/$5 so I bought a flat. I will need more too...
Here we go again!
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Love this tree in bloom, love this man, and he loves his new lawn mower.
Here is the maiden voyage. 20 minutes start to finish and cleaned!
And last, my bribe for the lawn mower purchase! I finally got a bird feeder! Now come home all you birdies! Come eat at my house! It has been a week and I see little evidence of visitation...
If you made it here--I congratulate you! Hooray!
So much happens in 3 weeks around here--I really need to update more often.
I promise I won't do this again!
(fingers are crossed a bit though)